Passion Project

Monday 27th of May


Today I am going to learn how to do lots of different origami and try to work on making folds look neat

Reflection: I made Origami fortune tellers with Tui, Tui had never made a fortune teller and I had to help her on some bits but we made semi neat fortune tellers I had fun also we tried to follow instructions for an origami lotus flower but we couldn’t quite get it we did this for about 40 mins

Monday 10th June


Today I am going to help Eliza write an biography (about myself obviously) I will need to help her with the dates and I hope that I am able to get the times and dates and facts right

Today Eliza asked me some very hard questions like what time my siblings were born and the date of my Nana’s birth but I kinda just told her what I thoght was right and I just went with that, I also “had to” take a picture of me for her front page. so yea I had fun and I think I did pretty good.

Periodic Table Tiles

Each Kid in our class has been randomly assigned an element of the periodic table, I got samarium (Sm) we were all supposed to create (digitally or manually) a tile for a big class periodic table. I found out that samarium is used in musical instruments like electric guitars, so on my tile I drew an electric guitar, we also had to include its atomic number (62), sybol (Sm), name (samarium), atomic weight (150.36 u) and its state at room temperature (solid).

(I did it on paper so I don’t have a Picture)

Writing Reflection

I hate work and I have to finish this before I go to break and I found it hard to write this poem ( also I actually didn’t mind doing the poem because we could write about whatever we wanted) I wrote about Timmy my potato child that I croched. We made our poems from the letters of the elements of the periotic table annnnnnnd this is my wonderfull Timmy poem

Theatre Sports Reflection

This Term The year 4 – 8 students have been participating in a an Action station of choice, I chose Theatre Sports where we have been involved in lots of fun and challenging activities, I really enjoyed this game called freeze frame because we were given a landscape or scenario where we had to make that picture with a group or friends and it was fun because we couldn’t talk to each other and we all tried to be different objects or people, I found the game whoosh challenging because we had to think fast and it could be your turn at any moment.

Persuasive Writing

We are learning about persuasive writing, in this paragraph I used a rhetorical question and alliteration

here is my work

Have you ever seen Mr Redmond strutting around the classroom like he’s better than all the teachers in Tangaroa, did you also know that Mr Redmond bullies Sharon because of her cool hat, he wrongly trusted me and my friends by telling us that that it looks like a hobo hat, behind Sharon’s back, but we are good students and that is why I am writing this to expose Mr Redmond and his not very funny jokes (even though we might have laughed because we are polite). 

Shame on the silly salmon

Also Sharon crocheted her cool hat (I thought I should mention that)


For maths we created our own piece of art including symmetry in it. Mine include translation, reflection and rotation

This is my first

This is my second


Today for maths we worked on probability, first we had to find out how many lollies we had where at the bottom on the purple lolly it says that there is 1out of 24 lollies so I know that there are 24 so now I had to find out the percenteges of lollies there were, a quater of them were green which means 1 quater of 24 which is 6 so there are six green, half of them are red so I put in 12 reds, 1/8 of them are blue so I put in 3 blue, 1/12 of them are orange so I put in 2 orange and 1/24 of them are purple so I put in one Purple .





Next we colourd in 50 spuares in six colours, yellow, purple, pink, green, blue and red, then we had to make them into fractions

Yellow 8/50 = 16%, Purple 9/50 = 18%, Red 8/50 = 16%, Pink 9/50 = 18%, Blue 8/50 = 16%, Green 8/50 = 16%