Year: 2022

The Old Witches House

Your walking home with a basket of freshly picked berries in your hand and a bunch of wild flowers in the other. On your way you pass this old stone house.

There were tails that around 100 years ago there was an old witch that lived in the house and she would use all the rare herbs and other weird other ingredients to make potions, curses and spells.

It was said that the villagers from the small town near by all grew afraid of this witch and they decided to plan an attack and burn her alive.

The villagers planed to attack on the 31st of October and dress up in disguises to blend into the forest at night, but what they didn’t know, was than the witch was listing in and she was not pleased.





Wonder Book Cover Drawing and Summery

My  Drawing                                            Real Cover

This is my version of the wonder book cover

For the eye I used pink instead of blue, its a girl instead of boy and she has a plat in  her hair over one side covering her left ear.


In the Story so far…

August has been homschooled because it was easyer to do with all the tests and surgeries August had had, but now that August was going into grade 5 his mum thought it was best for him to go to school because he wouldent be the only new kid. August takes a tour of the school and his new princaple  Mr. Tushman gets three kids to show him around Charlotte, Jack and Julian, August thinks that Julian and Jack are really nice and August soon decides that he wants to go to school.

My Tessellation

For maths at school were learning about shapes and we made tessellations, with mine I made 3D boxes out of 65 diamonds to make up 15 cubes all stacked up + walls I added in on the sides.

This is how it looks …

Science of the Ear

For science this year we learnt about the ear and how vibrations travel through the air …



I learnt that vibrations travel through the air by knocking particles in a domino affect till it hits the ear. We used a tuning fork and hit it on the edge of a wooden table and stuck it into a bowl of water, the vibrations from the tuning fork made the water ripple and fly out of the bowl, we also learnt how vibrations can travel from one cup to another only using one piece of string if you pulled it tight.


How the Sound Reaches the Brain

When sound reaches the ear the vibrations enter the funnel like bit in the outer ear called the Pinna, then it moves on to the Eardrum, the Eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the outer and middle ear, the sound vibrates the Eardrum, with the Eardrum vibrating it knocks the three bones inside the middle ear called the Hammer the Anvil and the Stirrup they hit each other in a chain reaction and hits the Cochlea, a hollow tube of the inner ear is usually coiled like a small snail shell which carries the information about the sound into the brain after it gets to the nerve one of the stringy bands of nervous tissue connecting the nerve system with the other organs.


What is Sound?

Sound is vibrations hitting your ear there can be lots of different types of sound like onomatopoeia, onomatopoeia is when you make a sound that sounds like the real thing like boom or woof we also learnt about pitch and volume pitch is when something is high or low and volume is when something is quiet or load, there are also lots of different types of sound e.g. noise and music.


Stone Art

For Monday Mashup I chose to do stone art with Nigel  this is the second week I’ve done the stone art and I think it’s really simple and easy but it comes out looking really nice,  this week I made a Tui and a Piwakawaka this is how they looked

Te Ari Ora Fire Dancing

On Monday the Te Ari Ora Fire dancing programme came to our school to show and teach us some of there fire dancing moves. At second break they preformed with some cool fire staff my favourite staff they used had a piece of string coming from the middle were you could hold onto the piece of sting and spin the stick around in the air, after that break everyone who went to watch started talking about how fun next Monday evening would be because on Monday evening some of us would get to try it out with the sticks lit on fire! but we we were also exited that we could try it out at the end of the day with staff … that were not lit on fire

Cant Wait For Monday Evening!

Women’s Rights Inquiry

Me and Caily have been doing our Inquiry on women’s lives in the past and made a house based in the 1900s, we had a lot of trouble doing everything in the amount of time and materials we had but we kept going until the end of our women’s rights inquiry was over and It ended up something like this …